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SDM-TAP Community Input

Survey and Community Input

While we received many valid recommendations, the overwhelming theme from the survey and our Community Conversations feedback is the need for awareness and education regarding Supported-Decision Making for both families/individuals and professionals. Without that knowledge and understanding, there is no solid foundation on which Supported-Decision Making can grow. Please click here to see the attached summary of the feedback received via the survey as of 11/7/23.

Aunque recibimos muchas recomendaciones validas, el tema abrumador de las encuestas y los comentarios de nuestras conversaciones comunitarias es la necesidad de concientización y educación sobre Haciendo Dediciones con Apoyo para ambos, la familia/individuales y profesionales. Sin esta sabiduría y entendimiento, no hay una fundación solida en cual Haciendo Dediciones con Apoyo puede crecer. Por favor hace clic aquí para ver el resumen adjunto de los comentarios recibidos a través de la encuesta hasta la fecha de 11/7/2023.

SDM-TAP Grant Input Survey / Encuesta de contribución del subsidio SDM-TAP

The survey closed on 11/30/23. Thank you for your input!

Welcome to the Supported Decision-Making Technical Assistance Program Grant Input Survey!  Supported Decision-Making (SDM) is now codified in California law. This survey is intended to get public input on a new grant program designed to expand and strengthen the use of Supported Decision-Making (SDM) now that it has been codified in California. Your input will inform planning as we create the grant structure and administer the grants.

The SDM-TAP Grant Input Survey is estimated to take about 10 minutes. You can view and respond to the survey in the form or email your responses to us at

Please click here for a list of Frequently Asked Questions about the survey. Please share this survey with anyone interested in SDM in California! Thank you for your time and support of this program.

While we received many valid recommendations, the overwhelming theme from the survey and our Community Conversations feedback is the need for awareness and education regarding Supported-Decision Making for both families/individuals and professionals. Without that knowledge and understanding, there is no solid foundation on which Supported-Decision Making can grow. Please click here to see the attached summary of the feedback received via the survey as of 11/7/23.

Encuesta de contribución del subsidio SDM-TAP

¡Bienvenidos a la encuesta del Programa de Toma de Decisiones con Apoyos y Asistencia Técnica (SDM-TAP)! Toma de Decisiones con Ayuda (SDM) es la ley en California. La intención de esta encuesta es de recibir contribuciones publicas de un programa nuevo de subsidios diseñado para agrandar y enforzar el uso de Toma de Decisiones con Ayuda (SDM) ahora que es una ley en California. Su contribución nos va a proveer información para la planificación de la estructura y administración del subsidio.

La encuesta del subsidio de SDM-TAP le tomara aproximadamente 10 minutos. Usted puede ver y responder a la encuesta en la forma, o mandarnos sus respuestas por correo electrónico al

Por favor clique aquí para una lista de preguntas frecuentes de la encuesta. ¡Por favor compartan esta encuesta con quien esté interesado en SDM en California! Gracias por su tiempo y apoyo de este programa.

Aunque recibimos muchas recomendaciones validas, el tema abrumador de las encuestas y los comentarios de nuestras conversaciones comunitarias es la necesidad de concientización y educación sobre Haciendo Dediciones con Apoyo para ambos, la familia/individuales y profesionales. Sin esta sabiduría y entendimiento, no hay una fundación solida en cual Haciendo Dediciones con Apoyo puede crecer. Por favor hace clic aquí para ver el resumen adjunto de los comentarios recibidos a través de la encuesta hasta la fecha de 11/7/2023.

SDM-TAP Community Input Letters

The Supported Decision Making – Technical Assistance Program (SDM-TAP) was created by California law as a statewide resource for people seeking information about Supported Decision Making (SDM). It provides support, education, guidance, assistance and training to educational entities, families, service providers, professionals, people with disabilities, courts, attorneys, mediators, and others in California who wish to use or expand supported decision making in their professional or personal life. The program also includes a grant program designed to promote and implement SDM throughout California as a legal framework that can be an alternative to conservatorship.

The SDM-TAP team has been working to gather stakeholder feedback on the important issue of SDM and obstacles that have prevented it from being implemented widely. We have provided multiple ways for individuals or groups to provide this input and welcome input in the form of letters from individuals or organizations.

To share your input about SDM-TAP, please use the link below to send a letter or statement about these issues. The SDM-TAP will use the input gathered through this link to inform the creation of the SDM-TAP grants. Thank you for your important contribution to this effort.

Click here to share your input with the SDM-TAP Team