COVID-19 Resources in Plain Language
April 16th Vaccine Update Presentation from the Executive Director
Vaccination Day – Tips for Family Advocates
Vaccination Day – Tips for Medical Staff
Success! People with Disabilities are a Vaccine Priority
Slides for SCDD’s COVID-19 Vaccine Input Sessions
These PowerPoint slides were presented during the State Council on Developmental Disabilities’ COVID-19 Vaccine Community Input Sessions in December 2020. Attendees had the opportunity to directly share feedback and concerns regarding the COVID-19 Vaccine. SCDD’s Executive Director, Aaron Carruthers, is a member of the newly established Community Vaccine Advisory Committee (CVAC).
Listos California
COVID-19 Information and How to Stay Healthy
Self-Advocates and Family Advocates Q&A
Safety Tips Videos from Self-Advocates
Creating Community (Activity Ideas and Supporting Someone During Times of Change)
Face masks are important for preventing the spread of COVID-19. As schools reopen for in-person instruction, wearing a face mask will be a priority for keeping all students safe. SCDD wants everyone to remember that some students with intellectual and developmental disabilities cannot wear a face mask and that according to the official health guidance for schools, they cannot be excluded from in-person learning.
The guidance says that “All students (kindergarten through 12th grade) are required to wear face coverings at all times while at school, unless exempted.” These people do not have to wear face covering at all times:
- Persons younger than two years old. These very young children must not wear a face covering because of the risk of suffocation.
- Persons with a medical condition, mental health condition, or disability that prevents wearing a face covering. This includes persons with a medical condition for whom wearing a face covering could obstruct breathing or who are unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove a face covering without assistance. Such conditions are rare.
- Persons who are hearing impaired, or communicating with a person who is hearing impaired, where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication.
- Persons for whom wearing a face covering would create a risk to the person related to their work, as determined by local, state, or federal regulators or workplace safety guidelines.
SCDD wants to see all of California’s students back in school and safe. Let’s work together to make sure that every student will have the equal opportunity to stay safe and in school. You can read the full Guidance for the Use of Face Coverings at
COVID-19 and IDEA Part B Special Education
COVID-19 and IDEA Part C Early Intervention (Early Start)
Requesting Compensatory Education Services After Distance Learning
Economic Impact Payments (Stimulus Checks), Employment, Food, and Fraud
¡Éxito! Las personas con discapacidades son una prioridad para las vacunas
Información sobre la vacuna COVID en lenguaje sencillo
Sesiones de aportes comunitarios de la vacuna contra la COVID-19 del SCDD
Preguntas Frecuentes que SCDD recibió de Personas con Discapacidades
Preguntas Frecuentes que SCDD recibió de Padres y Miembros de Familia
Recursos en línea relacionados con el coronavirus
Estafas de coronavirus y alerta de fraude
Consejos de SCDD para una red de teléfonos
Cómo Mantenerse Saludable de COVID-19
Información de COVID-19 por y para Personas con Discapacidades (Green Mountain Self-Advocates)
COVID-19 y IDEA Parte B Educación Especial
COVID-19 y IDEA Parte C Intervención Temprana (Inicio temprano – Early Start)
Ideas para Actividades Mientras Se Refugia en el Lugar
10 Consejos para Apoyar a Alguien en Tiempos de Cambio
¿Has perdido tu trabajo o has perdido horas en el trabajo?
Información básica de CalFresh
A partir del 28 de abril, puede visitar estas paginas de la red especiales para comprar en línea en Amazon y Walmart utilizando su tarjeta CalFresh EBT.
Consejos de seguridad de COVID-19 de auto-defensores en español
Episodio 1 – Cómo mantenerse saludable:–FsQ
Episodio 2 – Lo que debo hacer si creo que estoy enfermo:
Episodio 3 – Lo que debo hacer si estoy enfermo:
Episodio 4 – Lo que debo hacer si mi familiar o persona que me cuida se enferma:
Mandarin and Vietnamese
Mandarin: Plain Language Information By and For People with Disabilities (Green Mountain Self-Advocates)
Mandarin: How to Stay Healthy from COVID-19
Vietnamese: How to Stay Healthy from COVID-19
Vietnamese: Plain Language Information By and For People with Disabilities (Green Mountain Self-Advocates)
Other Helpful Websites
California Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response
If You or Someone You Know is Disabled: Know Your Rights to Medical Care – COVID-19
California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Documents
CDPH Guidance for people with disabilities and caregivers
Administration for Community Living’s COVID-19 Page
Taking Care of Your Behavioral Health: Tips for Social Distancing, Quarantine, and Isolation (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)