SB 639 Stakeholder Workgroups
- Carole Watilo, FA
- Daniel Tanner, SA
- Elena E. Tiffany, SA
- Jaqueline Armstrong, SA
- Viri Salgado, SCDD/SA
- Jordan Lindsey, ARC of CA
- Jeffrey Popkin, Bakersfield ARC
- Suad Bisogno, CA APSE
- Brandon Anderson, CAWA
- Nicolas Wavrin, CDE
- Barry Jardini, CDSA
- Jacob Lesner-Buxton, CFILC
- Carl Sigmond, CFILC
- Erica Reimer Snell, DDS
- Michael Luna, DDS
- Susie Crow, DDS
- Joe Xavier, DOR
- Robert Loeun, DOR
- Sarah Isaacs, DRC
- Vivian Haun, DRC
- Ken Barnes, Options for All
- Harry Bruell, Pathpoint
- Pamela Haney, PEC
- Katherine Sanders, SARC
- Aaron Carruthers, SCDD
- Bridget Kolakosky, SCDD
- Ken DaRosa, SCDD
- Sarah May, SCDD
- Tania Morawiec, SCDD
- Amy Gonzalez, SME
- Chernet Wedeab, SME
- Doug Crandell, SME
- Joe Marrone, SME
- Tony Anderson, VMRC
**State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD), Self-Advocates (SA), Family Advocate (FA), Progressive Employment Concepts (PEC), Disability Rights California (DRC), California Disability Services Association (CDSA), San Andreas Regional Center (SARC), Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE), Department of Developmental Services (DDS), Department of Rehabilitation (DOR), Valley Mountain Regional Center (VMRC), Subject Matter Expert (SME), California Workforce Association (CAWA), California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC)
Facilitator Biography
Doug Crandell
Doug has worked for decades in employment and disability supports. He’s an advocate for a sibling with disabilities. Doug is appointed as Public Service Faculty at the Institute on Human Development and Disability at the University of Georgia where he directs the Advancing Employment Center.
Meeting Schedule
Stakeholder Workgroup Session 4
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time
Click Here to Join Zoom Webinar
Passcode: 265138
Toll Free Number: (888) 475-4499
SB639 Subgroups
Subgroup 1: Funding
Legislation Requires: Benchmarks and desired outcomes for each year of the plan. A roadmap for applying to and using all federal funding programs, including, but not limited to, programs available under Medicaid waiver amendments, technical assistance grants under the Office of Disability Employment Policy, and resources under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, to assist individuals with disabilities to obtain competitive, integrated employment.
SB 639 Workgroup Budget Request Letter
Meeting Dates:
Subgroup 2: Resources
Legislation Requires: Benchmarks and desired outcomes for each year of the plan. A list of the resources necessary to ensure that employees with disabilities can receive services and support according to their needs and preferences of the individuals and in an integrated setting, regardless of the nature or severity of each individual’s disabilities, including an assessment of the financial investment needed to transition individuals to competitive integrated employment or other services, the development of new rates for new service models or additional rates necessary for competitive integrated employment supports, and suggestions for revenue streams.
Meeting Dates:
Subgroup 3: Outcomes/Data
Legislation Requires: Benchmarks and desired outcomes for each year of the plan. Data collection and reporting requirements for tracking the following outcomes for the individual employees with disabilities who are transitioned out of subminimum wage employment:
(A) Wages earned.
(B) Hours worked each month.
(C) Type of job.
(D) Length of employment.
(E) Services utilized to obtain competitive integrated employment
Meeting Dates:
Resources/Meeting Materials
- LARO Community Conversations – (4/8/22)
- SDIRO Community Conversations – (3/30/22)
- OCRO Community Conversations – (3/14/22)
- NSRO and NCRO Community Conversations – (3/14/22)
- CCRO Community Conversations (3/22/22)
- NVHRO Community Conversations (4/5/22)
- NBRO and BARO Community Conversations (4/14/2022)
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