Welcome to the State Council’s Self-Determination Program (SDP) information and resource page! This page is meant to provide a centralized location with information, resources, and tools relating to SDP.
The six buttons below are broken into categories. For example, the SDP Orientation button takes you directly to schedule information, registration links, and materials for the State Council’s Statewide SDP Orientation. Information on the Statewide (SSDAC) and Local Self-Determination Advisory Committees (Local SDAC) can also be accessed with the links below. Please click on any of the buttons below to find out more.
What is the Self-Determination Program?
The Self-Determination Program is all about your choice and control over the services you receive through your regional center and the money that pays for your services.
For many, the Self-Determination Program has been life changing because it provides more independence, freedom and control to regional center clients and their families. For example:
- Participants and families may purchase services from traditional providers or choose local businesses instead.
- Participants can hire support workers directly or they can negotiate special arrangements with groups and individuals in their communities.
Here, people with disabilities are in charge of their own lives, and work with the professionals or systems that support them to live their best lives.
Can I participate in the Self-Determination Program?
To be eligible for the program, you or your family member must:
- Have a developmental disability and currently be receiving services from a California regional center OR be a new client of a regional center
- Be over the age of three or, if under, be qualified for services through the Lanterman Act
- Live in the community and have free choice in your life. You are not eligible if you live in a licensed long-term health care facility unless you are using it to transition from that facility.
Interested in enrolling in the Self-Determination Program?
To contact your area’s Regional Center about next steps, please click Regional Center Listing for a list of regional center telephone number and ask to speak to the Self-Determination Program (SDP) Coordinator.
If you need help navigating the process and your regional center’s SDP Coordinator isn’t available, please click our SCDD Regional Office Listing and click on “Regional Offices” on the top menu to contact your local SCDD Office.