SDM-TAP Grants and Contracts

After an initial grant opportunity, SCDD has $430,000 remaining of the original allocation from the state legislature for grants to community agencies to support professional implementation of SDM-TAP objectives. SCDD will consider all proposal submissions and choose a maximum of 2 that will not exceed $430,000.

The Council is highly motivated in requesting proposals from qualified candidates. Please read the SDM-TAP Grant Guidelines carefully and include information in this application that will fully meet all of the stated requirements.

Professional Implementation

SDM-TAP is interested in funding grants that will educate professionals in one (1) or more of the five (5) focus areas: Educational Services, Financial Services, Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) Services, Legal/Judicial Services, and Medical/Healthcare Services. The Council is interested in projects that create systemic change and focus on underserved communities. The Council understands that the final list of approved projects may not address all five (5) of the targeted focus areas.

Current Grant Opportunities

No Current Grant Opportunities