POS Service Code #112 | Ages 0-3 | Children's Services | Adult Services

Communication Aides- computer technology for individuals with vision, hearing, speech impairments

Can we get some assistive technology to help my child to communicate more easily?

A person or business that provides or sells adaptive computer technology to assist people with hearing, speech or vision impairment to be able to effectively communicate. This may also include facilitators, interpreters, or other communication aides as identified in the consumer's IPP.
Example: My daughter does not use traditional speech. She uses an old communication board, but she is frustrated because it is very limiting. We would like her evaluated for and provided more advanced computer assistive technology.

POS Service Code #642 | Ages 0-3 | Children's Services | Adult Services


Can we get an American Sign Language interpreter for our family member who is hearing-impaired, at her IPP meeting?

A person fluent in both English and American Sign Language (ASL) who can facilitate communication between hearing-impaired and hearing persons using ASL and spoken language.
Example: Our adult son has severe hearing impairment in both ears. He has grown up using American Sign Language (ASL). He needs an ASL interpreter at his IPP so that he can fully participate as independently as possible.

POS Service Code #643 | Ages 0-3 | Children's Services | Adult Services


Can we get a translator who can translate some sections of the law for us in writing, so we understand our rights?

A person who is fluent in both English and a language other than English and can read and write accurately in both English and a language other than English.
Example: You need some written translation of the new Self-Determination law from English to Vietnamese, so that you can better understand if it is the best choice for your family member.