Quality Assessment Project
In 2010, The State Council on Developmental Disabilities, in cooperation with The Department of Developmental Servicesopens in a new window and Human Services Research Institute (HSRI), opens in a new windowjoined 26 other states in conducting quality assessment interviews using the nationally recognized National Core Indicators (NCI)opens in a new window assessment tool.
The core indicators are standard measures used across states to assess the outcomes of services provided to individuals and families. Indicators address key areas of concern including employment, rights, service planning, community inclusion, choice, and health and safety.
The Council collects data across the state of California through face to face interviews with adult consumers, as well as through surveys mailed to families of children and adults with developmental disabilities.
The responses to these surveys help California identify essential changes necessary to improve the quality of the service delivery system at a statewide and local level.
Additional Resources:
- NCI: What to expect during an NCI interview (video)opens in a new window
- NCI: reports analyzing the collective responses from past data collection periods. opens in a new window
- NCI: reports for each Regional Centeropens in a new window
- Award Notification – IFB – Family Survey Printing and Mailing Fulfillment Services
Looking for Contracted Interviewers for the Quality Assessment Project
The State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) is now accepting applications for Contracted Interviewers to participate in the Quality Assessment Project. This role involves conducting the Adult In-Person Survey (IPS) with individuals aged 18 and over. The survey cycle is expected to start in October 2024.
People with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) and their family members are encouraged to apply
We are looking for individuals who:
-Are willing to travel and conduct face-to-face interviews
-Have excellent communication skills
-Are reliable and well-organized
-Are comfortable using a computer
Earn $90 to $120 per completed interview.
Bilingual differential available for interviews conducted in a language other than English
If you are interested and meet these qualifications, we encourage you to apply.
Contact QA Project
Quality Assessment Coordinators
Regional Office | QA Coordinator | Telephone | Assigned Regional Centers | |
North State Regional Office |
Vacant | (530) 895-4027 | northstate@scdd.ca.gov | Far Northern North Bay Redwood Coast |
Bay Area Regional Office |
Ron Usac | (510) 286-0439 | ron.usac@scdd.ca.gov |
East Bay |
North Valley Regional Office |
George Lewis | (209) 473-6930 | george.lewis@scdd.ca.gov | Alta California Central Valley Valley Mountain |
Los Angeles Regional Office |
Lia Cervantes-Lerma Brianna Reynoso Jenny Villanueva |
(818) 548-3007 | Eastern Los Angeles Frank D. Lanterman Harbor North LA County San Gabriel/Pomona South Central LA Westside |
San Bernardino Regional Office |
Vacant | (909) 890-1259 | Inland Kern Tri-Counties |
Orange County Regional Office |
Vacant | (714) 558-4421 |
Golden Gate |
Headquarters SCDD |
Vacant Project Manager |
(916) 224-1976 | hannah.dunham@scdd.ca.gov | |
Headquarters SCDD |
Vacant Chief Deputy Director |